2jiajiri is a skills development and job creation program being implemented by KCB Foundation that seeks to catalyse employment and wealth creation among existing ‘jua kali’ entrepreneurs and the youth. The program seeks to reach 50,000 youth and informal sector entrepreneurs in the next 5 years.
Important Forms:
Click on form name below to download
2JIAJIRI (Poster4)10703 (approved)_02 low res_01 2jiajiri-GIZ Scholarship Application Form amended_02
2JIAJIRI (Poster4)10703 (approved)_02 low res_01
Helloo, can you give business advice and starting capital like 30K to a youth who has the reality of unemployment?,a degree holder with no job.Such has an open eye ,and as me another training for technical skill might not help me as such.What l need is ideas and capital to move on.
saw the below communication
Eastlands College of Technology off Jogoo Road will be offering Solar T1 and T2 Licence Classes for 2 weeks starting Monday December 4. All one has to pay is Kshs. 1,000 at KCB. At the account below. The rest of the fees amounting to Kshs. 80,000 has been catered to by sponsors.
Are there still open slots?