On Monday January 30, 2017, an advanced training session in automotive industry kicked off in Eastlands College of Technology. The training mainly aimed at equipping the participants with necessary skills and modern technologies of handling and dealing with Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) and Onboard Diagnostics (OBD) both in class and in the field as well.
Diversity of participants
The participants are mainly trainers in the field from various institutions in Kenya as well as other stakeholders in the motor vehicle industry in Kenya. The group was diversified in that attendees came from various institutions which included Auto skills, Kenya Christian Technical Training Institute (KCTTI), Thika Technical Training Institute, Simba colt motors, Eastlands College of Technology (ECT), Kenya Vocational Education Training (KeVET) and Kitui County
The training ran for two weeks that is from 30 January 2017 to 10th of February 2017. This was the second workshop of this kind being held in Eastlands College of Technology (ECT). The first one was also held in November 2016 in ECT .
Stakeholders and Partners.
This is mainly an initiative by Kenya Vocational Education Training (KeVET) and German organization: Handwerkskammer Frankfurt_Rhein_Main. Other stakeholders are various agencies and organizations such as:
1. Kenya Federation of Master Builders
2. Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions.
3. industrie und handelskammer gießen friedberg Germany Corporation
4. Kenya Private Sector Alliance
5. Sequa gGmbit
The seminar was flagged off by Austin Omeno, the principal Eastlands College of Technology and wished the participants all the best in their training in the college. The facilitators Ms. Heige Eggers the Curriculum Development Expert and Mr. Daniel Gasch Master Craftsman were from Handwerkskammer Frankfurt-Rhein-Main Germany with reputable expertise in their fields.
In their own word…
“Our intention is not to impose whatever concepts and technology we have in Germany to you people, but to help you come up with relatively cheap equipment and technologies that could achieve the same,” Said Gasch.
The two are working in collaboration to see to it that by the end of the workshop seminar, the participants will have acquired adequate knowledge and practical prowess in the two fields: EFI and OBD. On top of that, a curriculum/syllabus on the same will be developed by the participants under guidance of the facilitators and rolled out to various technical training colleges for teaching the students.
The participants were optimistic in having their perennial problems in class or the field being sorted out once they are done with the training.
Do you offer seminars on preventive maintenance in Automotive Engineering? If yes, kindly provide me with full details of the same.
Older mechanical injection trucks can benefit from all but the EFI and PCM info, and newer OBD2 vehicles may ignore the OPS info and PCM upgrade method, and already have pieces of the cooling and air cleaner improvements.